Pruebas con el ejemplo

He aquí algunos ejemplos que pueden darle una mejor comprensión para planificar sus pruebas.

Nota: Los ejemplos de esta sección pretenden darle un empujón para el desarrollo. No recomendamos confiar en ellos sin verificar en su extremo.

1. Simple example

En este ejemplo, probamos establecer y obtener variables.

Contrato/Programa a probar: Simple_storage.sol

pragma solidity >=0.4.22 <0.7.0;

contract SimpleStorage {
    uint public storedData;

    constructor() public {
        storedData = 100;

    function set(uint x) public {
        storedData = x;

    function get() public view returns (uint retVal) {
        return storedData;

Contrato/programa de prueba: simple_storage_test.sol

pragma solidity >=0.4.22 <0.7.0;
import "remix_tests.sol";
import "./Simple_storage.sol";

contract MyTest {
    SimpleStorage foo;

    // beforeEach works before running each test
    function beforeEach() public {
        foo = new SimpleStorage();

    /// Test if initial value is set correctly
    function initialValueShouldBe100() public returns (bool) {
        return Assert.equal(foo.get(), 100, "initial value is not correct");

    /// Test if value is set as expected
    function valueIsSet200() public returns (bool) {
        return Assert.equal(foo.get(), 200, "value is not 200");

2. Testing a method involving msg.sender

En Solidity, msg.sender desempeña un gran papel en la gestión del acceso a la interacción de los métodos de un contrato inteligente. Diferentes msg.sender pueden ayudar a probar un contrato que involucre múltiples cuentas con diferentes roles. He aquí un ejemplo para probar tal caso:

Contrato/Programa a probar: Sender.sol

pragma solidity >=0.4.22 <0.7.0;
contract Sender {
    address private owner;
    constructor() public {
        owner = msg.sender;
    function updateOwner(address newOwner) public {
        require(msg.sender == owner, "only current owner can update owner");
        owner = newOwner;
    function getOwner() public view returns (address) {
        return owner;

Contrato/programa de prueba: Emisor_prueba.sol

pragma solidity >=0.4.22 <0.7.0;
import "remix_tests.sol"; // this import is automatically injected by Remix
import "remix_accounts.sol";
import "./Sender.sol";

// Inherit 'Sender' contract
contract SenderTest is Sender {
    /// Define variables referring to different accounts
    address acc0;
    address acc1;
    address acc2;
    /// Initiate accounts variable
    function beforeAll() public {
        acc0 = TestsAccounts.getAccount(0); 
        acc1 = TestsAccounts.getAccount(1);
        acc2 = TestsAccounts.getAccount(2);
    /// Test if initial owner is set correctly
    function testInitialOwner() public {
        // account at zero index (account-0) is default account, so current owner should be acc0
        Assert.equal(getOwner(), acc0, 'owner should be acc0');
    /// Update owner first time
    /// This method will be called by default account(account-0) as there is no custom sender defined
    function updateOwnerOnce() public {
        // check method caller is as expected
        Assert.ok(msg.sender == acc0, 'caller should be default account i.e. acc0');
        // update owner address to acc1
        // check if owner is set to expected account
        Assert.equal(getOwner(), acc1, 'owner should be updated to acc1');
    /// Update owner again by defining custom sender
    /// #sender: account-1 (sender is account at index '1')
    function updateOwnerOnceAgain() public {
        // check if caller is custom and is as expected
        Assert.ok(msg.sender == acc1, 'caller should be custom account i.e. acc1');
        // update owner address to acc2. This will be successful because acc1 is current owner & caller both
        // check if owner is set to expected account i.e. account2
        Assert.equal(getOwner(), acc2, 'owner should be updated to acc2');

3. Testing method execution

Con Solidity, se pueden verificar directamente los cambios realizados por un método en el almacenamiento recuperando esas variables de un contrato. Pero comprobar que un método se ha ejecutado correctamente requiere cierta estrategia. Bueno, eso no es del todo cierto, cuando una prueba tiene éxito - por lo general es obvio por qué pasó. Sin embargo, cuando una prueba falla, es esencial comprender por qué falló.

Para ayudar en estos casos, Solidity introdujo la sentencia try-catch en la versión 0.6.0. Anteriormente, teníamos que utilizar llamadas de bajo nivel para averiguar qué estaba pasando.

He aquí un archivo de prueba de ejemplo que utiliza tanto bloques de intento de captura como llamadas de bajo nivel:

Contrato/Programa a probar: AttendanceRegister.sol

pragma solidity >=0.4.22 <0.7.0;
contract AttendanceRegister {
    struct Student{
            string name;
            uint class;

    event Added(string name, uint class, uint time);

    mapping(uint => Student) public register; // roll number => student details

    function add(uint rollNumber, string memory name, uint class) public returns (uint256){
        require(class > 0 && class <= 12, "Invalid class");
        require(register[rollNumber].class == 0, "Roll number not available");
        Student memory s = Student(name, class);
        register[rollNumber] = s;
        emit Added(name, class, now);
        return rollNumber;
    function getStudentName(uint rollNumber) public view returns (string memory) {
        return register[rollNumber].name;

Contrato/programa de prueba: AttendanceRegister_test.sol

pragma solidity >=0.4.22 <0.7.0;
import "remix_tests.sol"; // this import is automatically injected by Remix.
import "./AttendanceRegister.sol";

contract AttendanceRegisterTest {
    AttendanceRegister ar;
    /// 'beforeAll' runs before all other tests
    function beforeAll () public {
        // Create an instance of contract to be tested
        ar = new AttendanceRegister();
    /// For solidity version greater or equal to 0.6.0, 
    /// See:
    /// Test 'add' using try-catch
    function testAddSuccessUsingTryCatch() public {
        // This will pass
        try ar.add(101, 'secondStudent', 11) returns (uint256 r) {
            Assert.equal(r, 101, 'wrong rollNumber');
        } catch Error(string memory /*reason*/) {
            // This is executed in case
            // revert was called inside getData
            // and a reason string was provided.
            Assert.ok(false, 'failed with reason');
        } catch (bytes memory /*lowLevelData*/) {
            // This is executed in case revert() was used
            // or there was a failing assertion, division
            // by zero, etc. inside getData.
            Assert.ok(false, 'failed unexpected');
    /// Test failure case of 'add' using try-catch
    function testAddFailureUsingTryCatch1() public {
        // This will revert on 'require(class > 0 && class <= 12, "Invalid class");' for class '13'
        try ar.add(101, 'secondStudent', 13) returns (uint256 r) {
            Assert.ok(false, 'method execution should fail');
        } catch Error(string memory reason) {
            // Compare failure reason, check if it is as expected
            Assert.equal(reason, 'Invalid class', 'failed with unexpected reason');
        } catch (bytes memory /*lowLevelData*/) {
            Assert.ok(false, 'failed unexpected');
    /// Test another failure case of 'add' using try-catch
    function testAddFailureUsingTryCatch2() public {
        // This will revert on 'require(register[rollNumber].class == 0, "Roll number not available");' for rollNumber '101'
        try ar.add(101, 'secondStudent', 11) returns (uint256 r) {
            Assert.ok(false, 'method execution should fail');
        } catch Error(string memory reason) {
            // Compare failure reason, check if it is as expected
            Assert.equal(reason, 'Roll number not available', 'failed with unexpected reason');
        } catch (bytes memory /*lowLevelData*/) {
            Assert.ok(false, 'failed unexpected');
    /// For solidity version less than 0.6.0, low level call can be used
    /// See:
    /// Test success case of 'add' using low level call
    function testAddSuccessUsingCall() public {
        bytes memory methodSign = abi.encodeWithSignature('add(uint256,string,uint256)', 102, 'firstStudent', 10);
        (bool success, bytes memory data) = address(ar).call(methodSign);
        // 'success' stores the result in bool, this can be used to check whether method call was successful
        Assert.equal(success, true, 'execution should be successful');
        // 'data' stores the returned data which can be decoded to get the actual result
        uint rollNumber = abi.decode(data, (uint256));
        // check if result is as expected
        Assert.equal(rollNumber, 102, 'wrong rollNumber');
    /// Test failure case of 'add' using low level call
    function testAddFailureUsingCall() public {
        bytes memory methodSign = abi.encodeWithSignature('add(uint256,string,uint256)', 102, 'duplicate', 10);
        (bool success, bytes memory data) = address(ar).call(methodSign);
        // 'success' will be false if method execution is not successful
        Assert.equal(success, false, 'execution should be successful');

4. Testing a method involving msg.value

En Solidity, el éter puede pasarse junto con una llamada a un método al que se accede dentro del contrato como msg.value. A veces, se realizan múltiples cálculos en un método basándose en msg.value que puede probarse con varios valores utilizando el contexto de transacción personalizado de Remix. Vea el ejemplo:

Contrato/Programa a probar: Valor.sol

pragma solidity >=0.4.22 <0.7.0;
contract Value {
    uint256 public tokenBalance;
    constructor() public {
        tokenBalance = 0;
    function addValue() payable public {
        tokenBalance = tokenBalance + (msg.value/10);
    function getTokenBalance() view public returns (uint256) {
        return tokenBalance;

Contrato/programa de prueba: Valor_prueba.sol

pragma solidity >=0.4.22 <0.7.0;
import "remix_tests.sol"; 
import "./Value.sol";

contract ValueTest{
    Value v;
    function beforeAll() public {
        // create a new instance of Value contract
        v = new Value();
    /// Test initial balance
    function testInitialBalance() public {
        // initially token balance should be 0
        Assert.equal(v.getTokenBalance(), 0, 'token balance should be 0 initially');
    /// For Solidity version greater than 0.6.1
    /// Test 'addValue' execution by passing custom ether amount 
    /// #value: 200
    function addValueOnce() public payable {
        // check if value is same as provided through devdoc
        Assert.equal(msg.value, 200, 'value should be 200');
        // execute 'addValue'
        v.addValue{gas: 40000, value: 200}(); // introduced in Solidity version 0.6.2
        // As per the calculation, check the total balance
        Assert.equal(v.getTokenBalance(), 20, 'token balance should be 20');
    /// For Solidity version less than 0.6.2
    /// Test 'addValue' execution by passing custom ether amount again using low level call
    /// #value: 100
    function addValueAgain() public payable {
        Assert.equal(msg.value, 100, 'value should be 100');
        bytes memory methodSign = abi.encodeWithSignature('addValue()');
        (bool success, bytes memory data) = address(v).call.gas(40000).value(100)(methodSign);
        Assert.equal(success, true, 'execution should be successful');
        Assert.equal(v.getTokenBalance(), 30, 'token balance should be 30');

5. Testing a method involving msg.sender and msg.value

En la siguiente prueba, estaremos emulando múltiples cuentas haciendo depósitos en un contrato inteligente al mismo receptor y finalmente haciendo que el receptor retire la suma global de todas las donaciones. También estamos verificando que las donaciones coinciden con las cantidades esperadas. Este ejemplo realmente pone de manifiesto cómo se puede cambiar entre diferentes cuentas, mientras se utiliza un conjunto de diferentes cantidades msg.value.

Contrato/Programa a probar: Donaciones.sol

// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0
pragma solidity ^0.8.4;

contract donations{ 
    struct Donation {
        uint id;
        uint amount;
        string donor;
        string message;
        uint timestamp; //seconds since unix start
    uint amount = 0;
    uint id = 0;
    mapping(address => uint) public balances;
    mapping(address => Donation[]) public donationsMap;

    function donate(address _recipient, string memory _donor, string memory _msg) public payable {
        require(msg.value > 0, "The donation needs to be >0 in order for it to go through");
        amount = msg.value;
        balances[_recipient] += amount;        

    function withdraw() public {  //whole thing by default.
        amount = balances[msg.sender];
        balances[msg.sender] -= amount;
        require(amount > 0, "Your current balance is 0");
        (bool success,) ={value:amount}("");
    function balances_getter(address _recipient) public view returns (uint){
            return balances[_recipient];
    function getBalance() public view returns(uint) {
            return msg.sender.balance;

Contrato/programa de prueba: Donaciones_prueba.sol

// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0

pragma solidity >=0.4.22 <0.9.0;
import "remix_tests.sol"; 
import "remix_accounts.sol";
import "../donations.sol";

contract testSuite is donations {
    address acc0 = TestsAccounts.getAccount(0); //owner by default
    address acc1 = TestsAccounts.getAccount(1);
    address acc2 = TestsAccounts.getAccount(2);
    address acc3 = TestsAccounts.getAccount(3);
    address recipient = TestsAccounts.getAccount(4); //recipient

    /// #value: 1000000000000000000
    /// #sender: account-1
    function donateAcc1AndCheckBalance() public payable{
        Assert.equal(msg.value, 1000000000000000000, 'value should be 1 Eth');
        donate(recipient, "Mario", "Are you a bird?");
        Assert.equal(balances_getter(recipient), 1000000000000000000, 'balances should be 1 Eth');
    /// #value: 1000000000000000000
    /// #sender: account-2
    function donateAcc2AndCheckBalance() public payable{
        Assert.equal(msg.value, 1000000000000000000, 'value should be 1 Eth');
        donate(recipient, "Tom", "Are you a plane?");
        Assert.equal(balances_getter(recipient), 2000000000000000000, 'balances should be 2 Eth');
    /// #value: 2000000000000000000
    /// #sender: account-3
    function donateAcc3AndCheckBalance() public payable{
        Assert.equal(msg.value, 2000000000000000000, 'value should be 1 Eth');
        donate(recipient, "Maria", "Are you a car?");
        Assert.equal(balances_getter(recipient), 4000000000000000000, 'balances should be 4 Eth');
    /// #sender: account-4
    function withdrawDonations() public payable{
        uint initialBal = getBalance();
        uint finalBal = getBalance();
        Assert.equal(finalBal-initialBal, 4000000000000000000, 'balances should be 4 Eth');