Generate contract metadata is used for deploying with libraries. See our blog post on the subject: Deploying with Libraries
Always use Remix VM at Load will make the Remix VM the selected environment when Remix loads.
Word wrap controls if word wrap is enabled in the Editor.
Enable code completion in editor controls code completion. Autocompleting Solidity code happens when you type in the Editor. This option has the Compiler run in the background. For more information about autocomplete, see the Editor docs.
Display gas estimates in editor controls if gas estimates are shown. The gas estimates only works when a compilation is successful.
Display errors in editor while typing
Personal mode can be used when one is connecting to a local node. It is used to have Remix temporarily save the passphrase - so that you don't need to unlock the account in GETH. Remix will not persist the passphrase - so if you refresh your browser the passphrase will be gone.
Matomo Analytics is our "opt-in" analytics platform. The option to turn on Matomo is offered when you first come to Remix. You can disable or enable Matomo here in the Settings panel. We do not collect any personally identifiable information (PII) and our reports are public. See our blog post on the subject.
Save environment state controls if state of the Remix VM (Remix's simulated blockchain) is saved in a file in the File Explorer. With this option enabled, the Remix VM's state will be saved, so if the browser is closed, the state of the VM will be preserved when you return. This is true as long as the storage in your browser does not get cleared or corrupted.
Solidity Copilot Alpha
These settings are primarily for the code completion functions of Remix's AI tool, Solidity Copilot. See this doc page for more information about AI in Remix.
There are two settings for Solidity Copilot:
Maximum words
Max words sets the maximum number of words that will be returned. The fewer the words, the more likely that a context-accurate answer will be returned and the quicker the response time.
Temperature is an advanced setting. As the setting is increased, the range of possible answers will increase. A higher number is more likely to return a relevant answer.
Github 访问令牌
在 Github 上执行 Git 操作和创建 GIST 时,可能需要输入访问令牌。此令牌具有您的 Git 命令的特定权限。根据操作的不同,您可能还需要输入您的 Github 用户名和电子邮件地址。 Remix 不会将您的密码信息保存在浏览器的本地存储之外。https://github.com/settings/tokens
Etherscan 访问令牌
When debugging verified contracts with the Remix Debugger, it is necessary to input your Etherscan access token in the Settings panel. Whereas, when verifying a contract with the Contract Verification - Etherscan plugin, the API key is input there and not in the Settings panel.
点击此处获取您的 Etherscan API 密钥。
Sindri Settings
The access token is used to compile ZKP circuits and generate proofs with Sindri. To generate the token go to Sindri.
Swarm 设置
在 Solidity 编译器中,编译完成后,有一个发布到 Swarm 的按钮。
就像上面的 Swarm 设置一样,IPFS 设置用于将您的合约从 Solidity 编译器发布到 IPFS。
如果您未在此处进行任何设置,您将使用公共 INFURA 节点。这不能保证您的数据将持续存在。
使用您自己的 INFURA IPFS 节点。这需要订阅。了解更多
Use any external IPFS which doesn’t require any authentication.
使用您自己的本地 ipfs 节点 (通常运行在 http://localhost:5001)
在此处选择主题。 Dark & Light 主题是 Remix 团队积极维护的主题。
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